Heather in Limburg

Fietsen & Wandelen
Hey There, Heather!

Gepubliceerd op: 22 August 2024

Hey There, Heather!

Few natural wonders in the Netherlands are as enchanting as the heather fields in full bloom. In Limburg, a province known for its rolling hills and expansive forests, the blooming Heather is an annual spectacle. The purple fields attract hikers from near and far, eager to experience this colorful wonder. In this blog, we’ll take you through four heather landscapes in Limburg: the Kannerhei, the Brunssummerheide, the Beegderheide, and the Maasduinen.


Wherever there’s sand, you’ll often find heather too. Limburg’s landscape, shaped largely by the Maas River and its tributaries, has left behind many sandy areas. Heather is one of the first plants that can grow on sandy soil, a ground with low nutrients. The roots of the heather hold the loose sand in place, preventing it from blowing away. But how does Heather survive in such poor soil? Heather works together with a special fungus. The fungus helps the heather by releasing nitrogen, a substance the heather needs to grow. In return, the heather shares its nutrients with the fungus. Through this partnership, the heather gradually enriches the poor sandy soil, allowing other plants to grow there later on.


Foto via Berend Verheijen Unsplash

De Kannerhei - Maastricht

Let’s get straight to the point: “It’s all in the name!” But on the Kannerhei, there isn’t any heather growing. The Kannerhei is part of the Jekerdal, where you can enjoy walking to your heart’s content. You’re likely to spot butterflies here that are very rare in the Netherlands. And that alone makes it worth a visit, with or without heather.

Visit 'Het Jekerdal' Visit 'Het Jekerdal'
De Brunssummerheide

Foto via Pixabay

De Brussummerheide: Zuid-Limburg

In the south of Limburg, not far from Heerlen, lies the Brunssummerheide. This area is not only a paradise for hikers but also for nature lovers in general. The heather here blooms abundantly and attracts a wide variety of wildlife, from wild rabbits to the rare heath butterfly. What makes the Brunssummerheide special are the rolling hills that offer stunning panoramas. From the highest points, you can enjoy beautiful views of the purple fields, surrounding forests, and even the city of Heerlen in the distance. This area is easily accessible, with various walking routes of different lengths, making it a perfect destination for both beginners and experienced hikers.

Visit 'De Brunssummerheide' Visit 'De Brunssummerheide'

Foto Lucas Derksen via Unsplash

De Beegderheide: Hart van Limburg

The Beegderhei might be less well-known than other heather areas, but that’s exactly what makes it a hidden gem. This nature reserve lies west of Roermond and offers an intimate setting of heather fields, interspersed with small ponds and sandy paths. It’s the perfect spot for a morning walk when the dew still glistens on the heather, and the sun slowly rises over the landscape. The peace and quiet of the Beegderhei make it an ideal place to find yourself again. This area is also a favorite among photographers who come here to capture the stunning colors of the blooming heather.

Visit 'De Beegderheide' Visit 'De Beegderheide'

foto via Pixabay

National Park De Maasduinen- Noord-Limburg

In the north of Limburg lies National Park De Maasduinen, a place where you can walk between forests, sand dunes, and heather fields. The heather here turns the landscape purple and attracts many butterflies and bees. What makes De Maasduinen special is the combination of heather and water. As you walk, blooming heather fields and shimmering water features alternate. The tranquility of this area offers the perfect setting to clear your mind and immerse yourself in nature. Far from the hustle and bustle, you can fully enjoy the rich landscape that Limburg has to offer.

Visit 'Noord-Limburg' Visit 'Noord-Limburg'


Here in the South, we often say 'Hoije' (which means 'hi!'). So, Hoije—see you on the heather!